Glory to God in heaven and peace on earth to men of good will.
Words that have recently gained singular importance and will be the essence of our concert on April 13.
We celebrate 25 years of the founding of the Orfeón San Juan Bautista and its extensive contribution to the Puerto Rican cultural environment. Eternal Transits is the title of this meeting with the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra.
The choir members will be in charge of the first part of the program, focused on meditative works from different periods, in accordance with the solemnity of the Holy Week of Christianity.
The choir, soloists, and orchestra occupy the second part of the concert. Rekindled interest in Vivaldi in the twentieth century, attention turns to his defining works for instruments for Bach and Mozart. Closing the 1920s, a collection of his vocal music appeared in Turin, Italy, and Vivaldi transcends being more than the composer of 600 concertos. The exceptional Gloria in D Major, recovered in Turin, received its modern premiere in 1930. Since then it remains the most renowned vocal composition for “il prete rosso.”